021-660 32575
第一批15种SVHC (2008年10月28日公布)
The first fifteen Substances of Very High Concern (Released in Oct, 2008)
第四批8 种SVHC (2010 年12 月15日公布)
The fourth eight Substances of Very High Concern (Released in Dec, 2010)
第二批15 种SVHC (2010 年1 月13日公布,2010年3 月30日修订)
The second fifteen Substances of Very High Concern (Released in Jan, 2010 and Mar, 2010)
备注:2012-6-18 第二批的硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维、锆硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维已与第六批的硅铝耐火陶瓷纤维(RCF) 、
氧化锆硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维 (Zr-RCF)合并。
Note: 2012-6-18 The aluminosilicate refractory ceramic fibres (Al-RCF) and zirconia aluminosilicate refractory ceramic fibres (ZrAl-RCF) included in the List in the second thirteen SVHC and The sixth twenty SVHC haved been consolidated.
第三批8 种SVHC (2010 年6 月18日公布)
The third eight Substances of Very High Concern (Released in Jun, 2010)TS