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Market Access Series Update|The latest developments in Russian market access

   In 2021, a major change was made to the technical method of registering the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) and the Certificate of Conformity (CoC) to the current Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) Customs Union (TR CU). These changes may greatly affect Russian business activities, as most importers are not yet ready to participate in the registration process deeply. Let's look at the main news.

Changes in the registration process of DoC and CoC of the Eurasian Economic Union

    First of all, we should note that now we can use the unified declaration of conformity and the unified registration of the certificate of conformity issued by Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan (in other words, issued in any country/region of the Eurasian Economic Union) book.

   You can find the same registered body for both the certification body and the laboratory:
   the unified register of the declaration of conformity and the certificate of conformity, the unified registration of the
   certification body (CB) and the certified laboratory (CL)

Change the registration process of TR EAEU certificate of conformity

The registration process of the TR EAEU certificate of conformity has fewer changes. The main idea of the change is to allow certification procedures only after collecting all necessary technical and organizational documents, such as:

  1. Local representative agreement or trade contract and freight invoice

  2. Company registration documents of the local representative (applicant)

  3. Use Russian operating manuals, drawings, technical passports, safety cases, strength calculations, etc. (according to certain TR EAEU requirements).

  4. Labels, nameplates.

This means that approval starts with the preparation of these documents, which usually makes the second part of the process easier.

The second part starts after registering the application, we can conduct factory inspections (if needed) and arrange all tests.

But what about the TR EAEU declaration of conformity?

     Starting from January 2021, certification bodies have no right to register DoC in Russia. Applicants (local representatives) should apply for registration by themselves. He should prepare all documents, conduct tests to meet all standards, and then upload the application to the Federal Certification System (FAS) through the personal company page.

     It is worth noting that certification bodies in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan still have the right to register DoC with TR EAEU, which may affect the market situation – certification activities in Russia will be reduced because most local representatives (distributors) Not yet ready to make changes.

     SICE started to register for DoC through the personal company page on the FSA in 2019. This means that the process is not unfamiliar to us, and we have all the details. DoC registration can be expertly processed according to your requirements. Based on our experience, we can provide customers with a wide range of services related to DoC registration.

    The main focus of our service is to act as a local representative, which allows foreign manufacturers not only to ignore registration issues, but also to control export activities and save money. You can attract SICE as an applicant to make you independent in terms of distribution, thereby issuing a set of approval documents for multiple importers (distributors). We can help register for DoC through the digital signature of another company (representative of a distributor or foreign manufacturer) acting as the applicant in the process.

     In addition, online support (via Zoom or TeamViewer) is also provided

  • If your local representative is ready to register but does not want to participate in the preparation process, we can collect all the necessary documents, arrange the test, and send us all drafts and application letters.